Production of high-quality sheet metal parts and steel constructions on time!
Professional sheet metal processing
View servicesWelding steel
TIG / MIG welding specialists who work with us have acquired all certificates and will produce high quality steel parts on time.
- nerūsējošā tērauda metināšanas ar TIG.
- melnā metāla metināšanas ar MIG/MAG, TIG.

Sheet metal bending
Bending of sheet metal parts for medium and large repeatable orders up to 3000 mm and 1600 kN.

Metal lasercutting
Fully automated sheet metal laser cutting system that will produce parts with the highest precision.

We are focused on providing our clients
with the highest level of quality

Welcome to JGT solution. Our specialty is sheet metal processing technologies providing metal laser cutting and folding since 2021.
The company has made investments in lasercutting and metal sheet bending equipment combining it with automation software and team of experts.
1,850 m2
production area
3 days
min. delivery time
working hours
SIA “JGT Solutions” 06.07.2022 noslēdza ar LIAA līgumu Nr. SKV-L-2022/283 par atbalsta saņemšanu pasākuma “Starptautiskās konkurētspējas veicināšana” ietvaros, ko līdzfinansē Eiropas Reģionālās attīstības fonds.

Planning process
Modern manufacturing process with excellent results
Technical drawing
Technical drawings must be submitted in DWG 1:1 scale or as STEP files.
4 stundu laikā izveidojam tāmi, norādot izpildes termiņu.
Parts manufacturing
Pēc tāmes apstprināšanas detaļas tiek nodotas uz ražošanu.
Quality control and delivery
Pēc rūpīgas kvalitātes kontroles notiek detaļu piegāde pēc savstarpējas vienošanās ar klientu par piegādes detaļām.
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Opening hours
Working days9.00-18.00
Sat-Sun: Closed